
Defined in xtensor/xstrided_view.hpp

template<class CT, class S, layout_type L = layout_type::dynamic, class FST = detail::flat_storage_getter<CT, xt::layout_type::row_major>>
class xstrided_view : public xt::xview_semantic<xstrided_view<CT, S, L, FST>>, public select_iterable_base_t<L, std::decay_t<CT>::static_layout, xstrided_view<CT, S, L, FST>>, private xt::xstrided_view_base<xstrided_view<CT, S, L, FST>>, public extension::xstrided_view_base_t<CT, S, L, FST>

View of an xexpression using strides.

The xstrided_view class implements a view utilizing an initial offset and strides.


strided_view, transpose

Template Parameters
  • CT: the closure type of the xexpression type underlying this view

  • L: the layout of the strided view

  • S: the strides type of the strided view

  • FST: the flat storage type used for the strided view

Extended copy semantic

template<class E>
auto operator=(const xexpression<E> &e)

The extended assignment operator.


template<class CTA, class SA>
xstrided_view(CTA &&e, SA &&shape, strides_type &&strides, std::size_t offset, layout_type layout)

Constructs an xstrided_view.

  • e: the underlying xexpression for this view

  • shape: the shape of the view

  • strides: the strides of the view

  • offset: the offset of the first element in the underlying container

  • layout: the layout of the view


template<class T>
void fill(const T &value)

Fills the view with the given value.

  • value: the value to fill the view with.

typedef xt::xstrided_slice_vector

vector of slices used to build a xstrided_view

template<layout_type L = layout_type::dynamic, class E, class S, class X>
auto xt::strided_view(E &&e, S &&shape, X &&stride, std::size_t offset = 0, layout_type layout = L)

Construct a strided view from an xexpression, shape, strides and offset.


the view

  • e: xexpression

  • shape: the shape of the view

  • strides: the new strides of the view

  • offset: the offset of the first element in the underlying container

  • layout: the new layout of the expression

Template Parameters
  • L: the static layout type of the view (default: dynamic)

  • E: type of xexpression

  • S: strides type

  • X: strides type

template<class E>
auto xt::strided_view(E &&e, const xstrided_slice_vector &slices)

Function to create a dynamic view from an xexpression and an xstrided_slice_vector.

xt::xarray<double> a = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};
xt::xstrided_slice_vector sv({xt::range(0, 1)});
sv.push_back(xt::range(0, 3, 2));
auto v = xt::strided_view(a, sv);
// ==> {{1, 3}}

initialized strided_view according to slices

  • e: xexpression

  • slices: the slice vector

You can also achieve the same with the following short-hand syntax:

xt::xarray<double> a = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};
auto v = xt::strided_view(a, {xt::range(0, 1), xt::range(0, 3, 2)});
// ==> {{1, 3}}

template<layout_type L = xt::layout_type::row_major, class E, class S>
auto xt::reshape_view(E &&e, S &&shape, layout_type)

Return a view on a container with a new shape.

Note: if you resize the underlying container, this view becomes invalidated.


view on xexpression with new shape

  • e: xexpression to reshape

  • shape: new shape

  • order: traversal order (optional)