
Defined in xtensor/xtensor.hpp

template<class EC, std::size_t N, layout_type L, class Tag>
class xtensor_container : public xt::xstrided_container<xtensor_container<EC, N, L, Tag>>, public xt::xcontainer_semantic<xtensor_container<EC, N, L, Tag>>, public extension::xtensor_container_base_t<EC, N, L, Tag>

Dense multidimensional container with tensor semantic and fixed dimension.

The xtensor_container class implements a dense multidimensional container with tensor semantics and fixed dimension


xtensor, xstrided_container, xcontainer

Template Parameters
  • EC: The type of the container holding the elements.

  • N: The dimension of the container.

  • L: The layout_type of the tensor.

  • Tag: The expression tag.



Allocates an uninitialized xtensor_container that holds 0 elements.

xtensor_container(nested_initializer_list_t<value_type, N> t)

Allocates an xtensor_container with nested initializer lists.

xtensor_container(const shape_type &shape, layout_type l = L)

Allocates an uninitialized xtensor_container with the specified shape and layout_type.


xtensor_container(const shape_type &shape, const_reference value, layout_type l = L)

Allocates an xtensor_container with the specified shape and layout_type.

Elements are initialized to the specified value.


xtensor_container(const shape_type &shape, const strides_type &strides)

Allocates an uninitialized xtensor_container with the specified shape and strides.


xtensor_container(const shape_type &shape, const strides_type &strides, const_reference value)

Allocates an uninitialized xtensor_container with the specified shape and strides.

Elements are initialized to the specified value.


xtensor_container(storage_type &&storage, inner_shape_type &&shape, inner_strides_type &&strides)

Allocates an xtensor_container by moving specified data, shape and strides.


Extended copy semantic

template<class E>
xtensor_container(const xexpression<E> &e)

The extended copy constructor.

template<class E>
auto operator=(const xexpression<E> &e)

The extended assignment operator.

typedef xt::xtensor

Alias template on xtensor_container with default parameters for data container type.

This allows to write

xt::xtensor<double, 2> a = {{1., 2.}, {3., 4.}};

instead of the heavier syntax

xt::xtensor_container<std::vector<double>, 2> a = ...

Template Parameters
  • T: The value type of the elements.

  • N: The dimension of the tensor.

  • L: The layout_type of the tensor (default: XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT).

  • A: The allocator of the containers holding the elements.

typedef xt::xtensor_optional

Alias template on xtensor_container for handling missing values.

Template Parameters
  • T: The value type of the elements.

  • N: The dimension of the tensor.

  • L: The layout_type of the container (default: XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT).

  • A: The allocator of the containers holding the elements.

  • BA: The allocator of the container holding the missing flags.

template<class T>
auto xt::from_indices(const std::vector<T> &idx)

Converts std::vector<index_type> (returned e.g.

from xt::argwhere) to xtensor.


xt::xtensor<typename index_type::value_type, 2> (e.g. xt::xtensor<size_t, 2>)

  • idx: vector of indices

template<class T>
auto xt::flatten_indices(const std::vector<T> &idx)

Converts std::vector<index_type> (returned e.g.

from xt::argwhere) to a flattened xtensor.


xt::xtensor<typename index_type::value_type, 1> (e.g. xt::xtensor<size_t, 1>)

  • idx: a vector of indices

template<class Tag = ravel_tensor_tag, class C, class S>
ravel_return_type_t<C, Tag> xt::ravel_indices(const C &idx, const S &shape, layout_type l = layout_type::row_major)

Converts std::vector<index_type> (returned e.g.

from xt::argwhere) to xtensor whereby the indices are ravelled. For 1-d input there is no conversion.


xt::xtensor<typename index_type::value_type, 1> (e.g. xt::xtensor<size_t, 1>)

  • idx: vector of indices

  • shape: the shape of the original array

  • l: the layout type (row-major or column-major)