
Defined in xtensor/xview.hpp

template<class CT, class ...S>
class xview : public xt::xview_semantic<xview<CT, S...>>, public std::conditional_t<detail::is_contiguous_view<std::decay_t<CT>, S...>::value, xcontiguous_iterable<xview<CT, S...>>, xiterable<xview<CT, S...>>>, public xt::xaccessible<xview<CT, S...>>, public extension::xview_base_t<CT, S...>

Multidimensional view with tensor semantic.

The xview class implements a multidimensional view with tensor semantic. It is used to adapt the shape of an xexpression without changing it. xview is not meant to be used directly, but only with the view helper functions.


view, range, all, newaxis, keep, drop

Template Parameters
  • CT: the closure type of the xexpression to adapt

  • S: the slices type describing the shape adaptation

Extended copy semantic

template<class E>
auto operator=(const xexpression<E> &e)

The extended assignment operator.


template<class CTA, class FSL, class ...SL>
xview(CTA &&e, FSL &&first_slice, SL&&... slices)

Constructs a view on the specified xexpression.

Users should not call directly this constructor but use the view function instead.



  • e: the xexpression to adapt

  • first_slice: the first slice describing the view

  • slices: the slices list describing the view

Size and shape

auto shape() const

Returns the shape of the view.

auto slices() const

Returns the slices of the view.

layout_type layout() const

Returns the slices of the view.


template<class T>
void fill(const T &value)

Fills the view with the given value.

  • value: the value to fill the view with.

auto expression()

Returns a reference to the underlying expression of the view.

auto expression() const

Returns a const reference to the underlying expression of the view.

template<class ...Args>
auto operator()(Args... args)

Returns a reference to the element at the specified position in the view.

  • args: a list of indices specifying the position in the view. Indices must be unsigned integers, the number of indices should be equal or greater than the number of dimensions of the view.

template<class ...Args>
auto unchecked(Args... args)

Returns a reference to the element at the specified position in the view.


This method is meant for performance, for expressions with a dynamic number of dimensions (i.e. not known at compile time). Since it may have undefined behavior (see parameters), operator() should be preferred whenever it is possible.


This method is NOT compatible with broadcasting, meaning the following code has undefined behavior:

xt::xarray<double> a = {{0, 1}, {2, 3}};
xt::xarray<double> b = {0, 1};
auto fd = a + b;
double res = fd.unchecked(0, 1);

  • args: a list of indices specifying the position in the view. Indices must be unsigned integers, the number of indices must be equal to the number of dimensions of the view, else the behavior is undefined.

template<class ...Args>
auto operator()(Args... args) const

Returns a constant reference to the element at the specified position in the view.

  • args: a list of indices specifying the position in the view. Indices must be unsigned integers, the number of indices should be equal or greater than the number of dimensions of the view.

template<class ...Args>
auto unchecked(Args... args) const

Returns a constant reference to the element at the specified position in the view.


This method is meant for performance, for expressions with a dynamic number of dimensions (i.e. not known at compile time). Since it may have undefined behavior (see parameters), operator() should be preferred whenever it is possible.


This method is NOT compatible with broadcasting, meaning the following code has undefined behavior:

xt::xarray<double> a = {{0, 1}, {2, 3}};
xt::xarray<double> b = {0, 1};
auto fd = a + b;
double res = fd.unchecked(0, 1);

  • args: a list of indices specifying the position in the view. Indices must be unsigned integers, the number of indices must be equal to the number of dimensions of the view, else the behavior is undefined.

template<class T>
auto storage()

Returns the data holder of the underlying container (only if the view is on a realized container).

xt::eval will make sure that the underlying xexpression is on a realized container.

template<class T>
auto strides() const

Return the strides for the underlying container of the view.

template<class T>
auto data() const

Return the pointer to the underlying buffer.

template<class T>
auto data_offset() const

Return the offset to the first element of the view in the underlying container.


template<class ST>
bool broadcast_shape(ST &shape, bool reuse_cache = false) const

Broadcast the shape of the view to the specified parameter.


a boolean indicating whether the broadcasting is trivial

  • shape: the result shape

  • reuse_cache: parameter for internal optimization

template<class ST>
bool has_linear_assign(const ST &strides) const

Checks whether the xview can be linearly assigned to an expression with the specified strides.


a boolean indicating whether a linear assign is possible

template<class E, class ...S>
auto xt::view(E &&e, S&&... slices)

Constructs and returns a view on the specified xexpression.

Users should not directly construct the slices but call helper functions instead.


range, all, newaxis

  • e: the xexpression to adapt

  • slices: the slices list describing the view. view accepts negative indices, in that case indexing is done in reverse order.

template<class E>
auto xt::row(E &&e, std::ptrdiff_t index)

Constructs and returns a row (sliced view) on the specified expression.

Users should not directly construct the slices but call helper functions instead. This function is only allowed on expressions with two dimensions.

  • e: the xexpression to adapt

  • index: 0-based index of the row, negative indices will return the last rows in reverse order.

  • std::invalid_argument: if the expression has more than 2 dimensions.

template<class E>
auto xt::col(E &&e, std::ptrdiff_t index)

Constructs and returns a column (sliced view) on the specified expression.

Users should not directly construct the slices but call helper functions instead. This function is only allowed on expressions with two dimensions.

  • e: the xexpression to adapt

  • index: 0-based index of the column, negative indices will return the last columns in reverse order.

  • std::invalid_argument: if the expression has more than 2 dimensions.

Defined in xtensor/xslice.hpp

template<class A, class B>
auto xt::range(A start_val, B stop_val)

Select a range from start_val to stop_val (excluded).

You can use the shorthand _ syntax to select from the start or until the end.

using namespace xt::placeholders;  // to enable _ syntax

range(3, _)  // select from index 3 to the end
range(_, 5)  // select from index 0 to 5 (excluded)
range(_, _)  // equivalent to `all()`


view, strided_view

template<class A, class B, class C>
auto xt::range(A start_val, B stop_val, C step)

Select a range from start_val to stop_val (excluded) with step You can use the shorthand _ syntax to select from the start or until the end.

using namespace xt::placeholders;  // to enable _ syntax
range(3, _, 5)  // select from index 3 to the end with stepsize 5


view, strided_view

auto xt::all()

Returns a slice representing a full dimension, to be used as an argument of view function.


view, strided_view

auto xt::newaxis()

Returns a slice representing a new axis of length one, to be used as an argument of view function.


view, strided_view

auto xt::ellipsis()

Returns a slice representing all remaining dimensions, and selecting all in these dimensions.

Ellipsis will expand to a series of all() slices, until the number of slices is equal to the number of dimensions of the source array.

Note: ellipsis can only be used in strided_view!

xarray<double> a = xarray<double>::from_shape({5, 5, 1, 1, 5});
auto v = xt::strided_view(a, {2, xt::ellipsis(), 2});
// equivalent to using {2, xt::all(), xt::all(), xt::all(), 2};



template<class T>
detail::disable_integral_keep<T> xt::keep(T &&indices)

Create a non-contigous slice from a container of indices to keep.

Note: this slice cannot be used in the xstrided_view!

xt::xarray<double> a = xt::arange(9);
a.reshape({3, 3});
xt::view(a, xt::keep(0, 2); // => {{0, 1, 2}, {6, 7, 8}}
xt::view(a, xt::keep(1, 1, 1); // => {{3, 4, 5}, {3, 4, 5}, {3, 4, 5}}


instance of xkeep_slice

  • indices: The indices container

template<class T>
detail::disable_integral_drop<T> xt::drop(T &&indices)

Create a non-contigous slice from a container of indices to drop.

Note: this slice cannot be used in the xstrided_view!

xt::xarray<double> a = xt::arange(9);
a.reshape({3, 3});
xt::view(a, xt::drop(0, 2); // => {{3, 4, 5}}


instance of xdrop_slice

  • indices: The container of indices to drop