
group xt_xchunked_array

Chunked array container.

Defined in xtensor/xchunked_array.hpp.


template<class T, layout_type L = ::xt::layout_type::row_major, class S>
inline xchunked_array<xarray<xarray<T>>> chunked_array(S &&shape, S &&chunk_shape, layout_type chunk_memory_layout = ::xt::layout_type::row_major)

Creates an in-memory chunked array.

This function returns an uninitialized xt::xchunked_array<xt::xarray<T>>.

Template Parameters:
  • T – The type of the elements (e.g. double)

  • L – The layout_type of the array

  • shape – The shape of the array

  • chunk_shape – The shape of a chunk

  • chunk_memory_layout – The layout of each chunk (default: XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT)


returns a xt::xchunked_array<xt::xarray<T>> with the given shape, chunk shape and memory layout.

template<layout_type L = ::xt::layout_type::row_major, class E, class S>
inline xchunked_array<xarray<xarray<typename E::value_type>>> chunked_array(const xexpression<E> &e, S &&chunk_shape, layout_type chunk_memory_layout = ::xt::layout_type::row_major)

Creates an in-memory chunked array.

This function returns a xt::xchunked_array<xt::xarray<T>> initialized from an expression.

Template Parameters:

L – The layout_type of the array

  • e – The expression to initialize the chunked array from

  • chunk_shape – The shape of a chunk

  • chunk_memory_layout – The layout of each chunk (default: XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT)


returns a xt::xchunked_array<xt::xarray<T>> from the given expression, with the given chunk shape and memory layout.

template<layout_type L = ::xt::layout_type::row_major, class E>
inline xchunked_array<xarray<xarray<typename E::value_type>>> chunked_array(const xexpression<E> &e, layout_type chunk_memory_layout = ::xt::layout_type::row_major)

Creates an in-memory chunked array.

This function returns a xt::xchunked_array<xt::xarray<T>> initialized from an expression.

Template Parameters:

L – The layout_type of the array

  • e – The expression to initialize the chunked array from

  • chunk_memory_layout – The layout of each chunk (default: XTENSOR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT)


returns a xt::xchunked_array<xt::xarray<T>> from the given expression, with the expression’s chunk shape and the given memory layout.